BIOPEN – Project for the establishment of a European Open Innovation PLATFORM

Accelerating and supporting the business development of bio-based industries and downstream sectors is the goal in the BIOPEN project. This project is funded by the Bio Based Industries Consortium (BIC) under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union.

BIOPEN is an initiative of five biobased European clusters (CLIB 2021, green chemistry, SCP-smart chemistry park and BioEconomy Cluster Central Germany), an innovative IT company, a private networking company and a leading European innovation management company (PNO / CiaoTech ).

Nowadays, the center of the bio-based economy is the development of integrated value chains removing sector barriers, where market and product innovations are driven by societal needs and vision of brand owners, and require the collaborations between different sectors through new bio-based value chains (from feedstock to products), also establishing co-operations throughout industry clusters.

Open innovation has been identified as the major driver to perform innovation through the flow (in and out) of knowledge, technologies and competences, for organisations to design, plan, and implement market and product innovations as well as to establish sustainable partnerships joining forces with customers, feedstock suppliers, academia, and financial sector.

BIOPEN ambition is to become a single voice for the bio-based industries in Europe, gathering expertise and promoting engagement and involvement of industry, researchers and academia at European and national level, by setting up an Openinnovation platform addressing strategic cross-cutting challenges such as:

  • clustering and networking to develop new value chains and favour the emergence of co-innovation partnerships across the value chains;
  • Stakeholders engagement and support with regards to setting-up at least 20 co-innovation partnerships alongside existing and new value chains;
  • creation of a knowledge centre collecting the prospective and insight of the community, and providing access to relevant information for markets and products innovations in the bio-based ecosystem.

More information under: or in the project leaflet.